

Robert loved Lisa. Lisa loved Robert. No one thought they were good for each other - Lisa's mom thought this was a phase, her father hated Robert - even their friends thought this relationship was a tad off. Under an after-sex conversation, this subject came up. Robert told Lisa to "listen to her heart, and the voices in her head." This scared Lisa - how could he know about that?

Robert was never found - experts say he was eaten, not by the swarm, but by their queen. They claim that this triggered her, along with the voices - the swarm - plotting their attack.

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Reader Comments (4)

Cool. I'm picturing Robert's death as a cross between Species and The Faculty.

Never piss off the Queen.

Also, how did he know about the voices?

July 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJ. A. Platt

I love those kind of relationships! ;) Great little tidbit that could be infinitely expanded upon.

July 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMyseri

I thought he was just kind of kidding about the voices in her head and she flipped out and believed he was speaking specifically. Nice short tale, I dig it. The Queen of what, is what I want to know!

August 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteralphabete

J.A. Platt - he probably DIDN'T know about the voices - it was just a way to tell her that she should listen to herself and not everyone else.

Alphabete - Probably the Queen of an alien species. That was my thinking anyway, but don't let that stop you in thinking otherwise! :)

August 6, 2010 | Registered CommenterWatchingPreacher

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