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My Life Issue 1

Hello again! In the "My Life"-issues, I'll tell you a little of what I'm doing! This way, you'll get to know me a little too! Cool, right? Ehh... Anyway...

Summer Reading

Yes. This is my complete list of summer reading! Although I'm sure I already wrote this somewhere, I just can't remember where... (EDIT: It was on one of my other blog! I'll eventually move it here, so just hold you're breath!)

* The Surrogates by Robert Venditti and Brett Weldele
* 52 Volume 1 by Grant Morrison and others
* Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again by Frank Miller (The Sequel to The Dark Knight Returns)
* Akira Vol. 1, 2 & 3
* There will probably be more in this section, but not right now!

* The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch (It’s the first of 7 novels!)
* Pandora’s Star by Peter F. Hamilton
* Genesis by Bernard Beckett
* Kit’s Wilderness by David Almond
* Dune by Frank Herbert

And that is it. As you can see, it's most fantasy and sci-fi. These are the genre's I'm reading most of. There are always so many different ways to go with both of them! I think they are the most interesting genres, especially when they cross-over! Like; Time-Travel, Knights, Magic and Space crafts? That's something I would've dug! And that is also what one of my projects is about. I'll tell you more about that one later...!

An Idea

I had an idea this weekend, of doing another weekly comic. But this one would be kinda large, spanning 100/200 pages every month. Of course, everything are to be done before posting it,  but I'm thinking LARGE! That means that there'll probably be around 25 to 50 pages every week. That's a whole lot to read!

Anyway, am I to do this I'm obliged to tell you what it's about. The whole series will have the title "A Life". Let's say that one story is 200 pages long. That's "A Bug's Life", where we follow the life of a bug. Then we have "A Dog's Life",  where we follow the life of a dog. And so on. Of course, something unnatural is bound to happen in these life-tales, but I'm thinking a normal-day series that's just fun to read. And the end of this series? What it's all about? Who the main character is? Well, this isn't going to be a very big reveal in the book, because it's really about a family. The main character is a boy and his sister, and they are living a life. All these bugs, dogs, birds and so on will eventually mean something to them in the main story. We're basically reading a story about a normal family, but we're seeing it through the eyes of everyone around them!

And I can assure you; Some weird shit will be happening in these. I've already planned the boy's story, where we see all of his fetishes in three years. It's all different pages of him and all different places in his life, but basically it's about him and his life. Getting a girlfriend, feelings, books, school and so on; told through the eyes of everyone else than him. Sounds fun? That's what I thought too! And I can guarantee you: He's not the only one we'll be following if I am to write this one...

My Meanings

I've watched a whole lotta Death Note in the past few days. I've also read Watchmen for the third time and the first two volumes of Akira is done with; I'm reading the third one tomorrow. I've also seen Bolt, but I'll talk about that another time. I dozed off, so I'm going to have to rewatch it...

Anyway, we'll take Death Note first. If you haven't watched this anime (or read the manga) I very much recommend it! The first 15 episodes were great! And then, it suddenly changes into something else entirely! I very much enjoyed this series, and as I am on episode 21 now, I think I'll be done with it all on Tuesday. Either way, I can't wait to watch more, as this is REALLY exiting!

Watchmen is GREAT: Even the third time around. If you haven't read the graphic novel, I strongly recommend it! It's extremely good, and it's the best mini-series comics has to offer! For the long-running graphic novels, I think The Sandman by Neil Gaiman is the best. 10 Volumes althogether, making it around 2,000 full-colored pages of story; All written by Neil Gaiman. The Sandman didn't have it's own artist, but that's just for the series' good, as many of the stories have different and special drawing styles which would only fit to that particular story.

Then, off to Akira. To begin with, I haven't really heard of Akira, but from the first 10 pages, the set-up and the story BLEW ME AWAY! It's always something happening; if one pair of characters are having a conversation, the other pair is fighting for their life or for Akira, a mysterious being that I've yet to know a little more about. It's exactly the great sci-fi/action and fantasy comic that everybody has said it ought to be! (I did a little research right before reading it :D) So, if you haven't read it, give it a try! It's great, and you'll be as caught up as I currently am!

And that was it for today! I'll be back to tell you about more of my ideas, and about what I thought of the end of Death Note next time I'm around! Maybe I've watched some more movies to discuss then? We'll see!

Watching Preacher, Over and OUT!

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