Entries in screenwriting (2)


How "Ripples Across Time & Space" Was Written

Interested in how I wrote my first webseries, "Ripples Across Time & Space"? Want to read the first draft of the first couple of episodes? Then you've got to read this post!

Click to read more ...


Hey there! Long time no see.

Right. So, I've been a bad blogger lately. Since September, actually. That's bad. Really bad. But I'm getting back in the game with this update, and hopefully be more consistent in posting over the next few weeks (especially with ScriptFrenzy coming up again, and this time I am DETERMINED to finish).

Broken Promises
One of the last blogposts I had promised you a few things. Things that I didn't deliver. I would like to apologize for those broken promises, along with bringing forth a slate of new promises. The "Movies of H.P. Lovecraft"-posts will continue, but not before I watch something Lovecraftian. "The Unnamable"-movies were pretty fun, and "The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu" was the same. "Noroi: The Curse" was creepy, but a bit too silly. "Cool Air" was a fun little flick, made as a 1930's talkie. "The Haunted Palace" was pretty dull, and... well, yeah. That's basically it. 

The "chronology in minigames"-post will still be written, I just don't know when. The situation's pretty much the same with Clouds of Gray - I have a few story-ideas, but I'm still considering which I'll write first. 

Since last time
Quite a lot has happened since last time I checked in here - personal and writing-wise. First off, I finished my first feature-length screenplay! Yes, you read that right - the first draft of "Bed & Breakfast" is FINISHED!

I've already read through it, and written some notes, so I'll be starting the second draft soon, before going on to other things - namely the rest of "The Lucky Ones". I'm back to the drawing board on that one now, and I'm determined to finish it before the year is done.

Going Forward
There'll be more blogposts - I can guarantee that. Updates on my writing, my problems, television and movies I watch, ideas I have and stories - "The Lucky Ones", for example, will continue (and end) before 2013. And something new will begin. (Hopefully)