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Coming up...

I have a lot of fun stories and blogpost coming up - the first one coming tomorrow. It's a short-story. I'm... not going to say more about it right now. But check back tomorrow!

On Friday, I return to my "The Movies of H.P. Lovecraft"-series. You'll learn my opinions on the recent slate of films, including "The Unnameable" and "The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu".

In the forthcoming weeks I'll look into the chronology of some stand-alone mini-games featuring the same main character. Hopefully, I'll be able to shine a light on the bigger picture (and story) that is only hinted at so far in the games. We'll see.

And, in not too long, there'll be a new Clouds of Grey-story. Probably. Hopefully.

So really, there's no reason not to stick around for the next few days and weeks. And please, comment. I treasure every one of them, good or bad. 


Be seeing you.

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