My life right now is weird. Mood whiplash, a whole lot of stuff I should do, the fact that I'm going back to school soon, tv-catch-up, friends who aren't home... Right now, I wish I lived alone, in a shitty apartment, and were out of a job but had enough money to manage. That way I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to, including not going to school, but stay at home and finish the script I'm writing. I'm a little past the 50% mark, but I've taken a slight break recently. There's been a lot of cool people to come home to, stuff to do, television to watch... You know how it is.
But there's more. Stuff I wish I could do. Dreams I'm having. Things I think about. I don't know what's wrong with me. In fact, I don't know if there is anything wrong with me. I just need someone to be with. To talk to. I just need to be alone.
I just need to eat.